Tina Bio legacy
Well where do I start? I guess I’d have to go back to when I was young and my Mamaw took me to Wolf county Kentucky. As far back as I can remember my Mamaw, and her sisters and Brother Oliver Daulton all sang in different groups. Church was all I knew every week, Sunday morning, Sunday Night, Wednesday nights, Revivals…I started singing very young, first in church choir, then started singing harmonies for people, as a teenager I sang in a few trios. Then in my 20’s started singing with Jack Woodward & Connie Woodward Turvey. We started at singing at our home church little did we know churches would start calling us to come sing for them. We ended up making a recording and traveling all over the country. The group was called the Christian Cavaliers. Then later in my 30s & 40’s I started singing with my cousin and his wife Jim and Pam Childers, and my daughter Jennifer, once again we was just a singing group at our home church and churches all over started calling so we took the calling and went with it. We named the group Gospel Tradition. We had such great times traveling and singing together, my cousin Jim was called to preach and ended up moving and taking a church far away. But at that time my other two girls was taking interest in traveling and singing, my daughter Jennifer sang an played the mandolin, my daughter Amanda sang an played the bass guitar, my youngest daughter Crissy sang to. We had a guy named Ralph Johnson who played the Dobro and his grandson Bobbie Play the banjo, and his granddaughter played the fiddle. We got really busy and those days was gone almost every single weekend out playing all over the country. the girls really enjoyed the traveling, we ended up having to buy a huge RV to sleep in for when we were gone far distances. They loved playing in Pigeon Forge Tennessee all the time. I can remember one time, which is very funny as I look back on it now, we stopped at a rest area to use the bathroom, I didn’t know that Jennifer had gotten off of the bus, so we all went to the bathroom and we took off ….a couple miles down the road I noticed her missing, back then we didn’t have cell phones, so in a panic we turned around and drove back to the rest area and there she stood mad as a hornet, she was mad about it then but she laughs about it now. The girls grew up and went their separate ways, so we had to quit singing, they got married and got their own lives, Then in my 50’s Jack and I got back together teamed up with a great tenor singer Toni Hays Frazee which also played the piano, ended up singing at our home church, and as the story goes we started getting a bunch of calls to go out and sing. I guess when God calls you go. So once again we started singing out at all kinds of different churches we called the group Imagine That. I wonder where we got that name? well let me tell you, anytime anything crazy or funny happens in our family my husband Russ always says “well imagine that!!” we were trying to find a name for a group and that came up one night, as we were on the phone talking, then we started thinking about “just imagine what heaven will be like.” And the name stuck. We had a great time together practicing, spending time together playing games, traveling, and teasing each other. at the beginning of 2021 Jack got called to preach at a church in East Campbellsville Kentucky and we all know seasons come to an end, and if God calls you to do something you must go. That was at the beginning of this year. in May 2021 Jim Profitt came to me and asked me if I would like to sing with him, yes at the time I thought it was only at our church, and I was already the lead singer for Imagine That, how could I sing with two groups. what an honor it was for him to even ask me to sing with him I thought!!! because I always held him high on a pedestal, he’s been singing with his family since I was a very young girl, they even opened for us one time on our fifth anniversary when I was singing with gospel tradition. So for Jim to ask me to sing with him was an honor, little did I know once again God had other plans, we have been going out singing all over seeing souls saved, what a blessing and a great time we are having. Doors Have opened up for us everywhere churches are calling, we are booked on a cruise this January 2023. at this age being able to still go and sing is such a blessing. We even named our first CD continuing the journey which is what we’re doing. We have now added another member to the group Bryan Glenn my daughters love to call him “cornbread” so now I guess we are trio. we just finished recording another project I’m looking forward to getting it in July 2022. I guess I will keep on going and singing for as long as the Lord allows me to do so. I just thank him every day for the many blessings he has gave me through the years. Hopefully when I’m gone I will have passed down a legacy to my girls that they can be proud of.